Paying Off Rentals, Estimating Crime

Should I pay off my rental property or reinvest? How do I replace my six-figure salary with cash flow from real estate investing? And what’s the best way to analyze crime BEFORE I invest in an area? You asked, and we’re here to answer on this episode of Seeing Greene as we take questions from rookie real estate investors, veterans in the rental property game, and everyone … Read more

10 Ways to Spruce Up Your Finances

Spring is here! Or if you’re in a city like Pittsburgh, where I am, you may also have some winter and summer sprinkled in throughout the week as well. Anyway, it’s likely you’ve begun tackling spring cleaning tasks, such as organizing the closets, washing the windows, and detailing your car, among other “enjoyable” household chores. … Read more

5 facts about yourself you didn’t know

Have you ever wondered what makes you unique and special? You probably know some basic facts about yourself, like your name, age, birthday, and star sign. But there are many more things that define who you are and what makes you different from everyone else. Here are 5 facts about yourself that you might not … Read more